Thursday, September 20, 2012

District Renews Commitment to Critical Thinking Initiative

Dr. Denise Lutter, Teacher Center Director, gave the Bronxville Board of Education an overview of the faculty's critical thinking initiative, past, present, and future.  Over the past two years professional development efforts have focused on subject-based definitions of critical thinking and ensuring that all students experience projects or units that promote higher-level thinking.  The essential question guiding this work has been:

To what extent do our students produce high quality, original work that demonstrates the capacity for analysis, reasoning, problem-solving, and effective communication about complex, global issues?
Flossie Chua, Consultant from Harvard's Project Zero
The next phase of this work focuses on assessment: How do we know? Key features of the current year include
  • The Humanities Research Seminar, a seminar offered in partnership with Sarah Lawrence, focusing on inquiry into social problems combined with community service in the region;
  • Stepping Up to Questioning, the Elementary program emphasizing instructional strategies that help students to ask questions and reflect on their own learning;
  • Action Research in partnership with Harvard's Project Zero, focusing on assessing depth of understanding in the various subjects; and
  • External feedback from the Tri-State Consortium in May 2013.
Dr. Lutter's presentation can be found here.

Code of Conduct Up for Review

At its September meeting, the Bronxville Board of Education had a first reading of proposed revisions to the District's Code of Conduct. The revisions incorporate new legislation regarding the Dignity for All Students Act, including bullying, cyber-bullying and harassment as well as amplification and clarification of other policies regarding behavior on and off campus, cheating and plagiarism, and dress code. A second reading and vote are scheduled for the October meeting.  The Board asked that students have an opportunity to make suggestions for revisions to the policy and further, that the administration take steps to ensure that the Code is compatible with the District's Honor Code and co-curricular policies. 

We invite comments from the public. The proposed Code can be found here.

Opportunity for Parent Feedback

We strive to sustain a positive, trusting relationship between school and home. Parents with questions about school procedures or classroom practice should feel free to share their concerns directly with the teacher, counselor, or principal. Such informal interaction is a daily, constructive occurrence at each school, and everyone benefits from an atmospher of open, civil communication.

Parents also have the opportunity to register compliments or concerns in connection with employment decisions. This article describes how parents may comment on a probationary teacher, administrator, or tenure candidate. Parents or other community members may share their perceptions through a signed letter addressed to the Principal, in the case of faculty, or to the Superintendent, in the case of administrators. Such letters will be acknowledged in writing by the supervisor, and shared with the individual teacher or administrator, and with the Superintendent and the Board of Education. In light of the timetable calling for tenure recommendations, any such letters should be received not later than March 1st of the teacher’s or administrator’s tenure year. Input even earlier in the tenure process, including years prior to the tenure year, allows more time for professional growth or recognition. It is important to note that parental feedback is only one aspect of an assessment of staff performance that encompasses preparation and planning, classroom management, instruction, and professional responsibilities.
For a list of 2012-13 probationary teachers and tenure candidates, go here.

Residents to Vote on Capital Projects on October 2nd

Proposed MS Science Lab Renovations
On Tuesday, October 2, Village residents will have the opportunity to cast their ballots on a proposition to fund long-planned facilities improvements. In January 2011, the Bronxville Board of Education adopted a Five-Year Capital Plan that identified science lab upgrades, auditorium renovations, and ongoing infrastructure needs as key priorities. The plan grew out of the building conditions survey that was conducted in the fall of 2010.

The current proposition presents to voters a $4.5 million bond. We estimate the total project will not exceed $10 million, but the Board has leveraged funding in several important ways that reduce the impact on local property owners:

  • A public-private partnership would offset the total costs to a significant degree. The Bronxville School Foundation, PTA, and private citizens have contributed over $3 million to the auditorium project. Their contributions enhance the quality of the planned renovations beyond what would be possible by tax revenues alone.
  • An additional $2.5 million would come from the District's existing construction reserve.
  • By refinancing existing debt, the District has realized additional savings of $420,770, or approximately $50,000 annually.
Proposed side lobby addition

The specific projects under consideration were developed and refined through an open, multi-year process of feasibility studies, building conditions surveys, space analysis, and conceptual design. The designs evolved through several stages with the participation of school staff, parents, architects and specialists, and the Board of Education. The Board's facilities committee, which includes public representation, reviewed several options for scope and cost, and finally the Board of Education commissioned an independent review that resulted in the schematic design as it now stands. If the referendum passes, design development will begin, with ongoing monitoring by the Facilities Committee. It is anticipated that value engineering will further reduce costs.  As is the normal course of events in school construction projects, the final plans and associated budget will be approved when the Board of Education authorizes the request to go out to bid in the late spring of 2013.
We encourage citizens to review the schematic designs on the school 's webpage devoted to the Capital Plan. 

The vote will be held on October 2nd. in the Elementary School Multi-Purpose Room, 177 Pondfield Rd., Bronxville, NY 10708. The polls will be open from 7 AM to 9 PM.